Art Is: Statement on 'The Fever' Cover

| Karen Ann Donnachie & Andy Simionato

Art Is: Statement on 'The Fever' Cover

Art Is: Statement On 'The Fever' Cover | Karen Ann Donnachie & Andy Simionato

For the cover of Issue 59.2 'The Fever' we created a custom-coded system which automatically displays search results for sentences (or parts of sentences) containing the words 'art is' published in Art + Australia from 1963. Each new visit to Art + Australia generates a unique cover using a found phrase, alongside a link to the original Art + Australia issue from where the phrase is taken. All this is made possible thanks to the recently launched open archive. This automated artwork generates a kind of living “manifesto” spanning over 60 years of publishing.


Art + Australia
Publisher: Victorian College of the Arts
University of Melbourne

Art + Australia ISSN 1837-2422

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