The Object: Painting in the Art and Australia landscape is an attempt to recuperate the historical idea of lukisan, an Indonesian word often translated as ‘painting’. In this research Indonesian artist Zico Albaiquni who recently arrived in Naarm from Bandung, Indonesia, traces an artistic genealogy from Indonesian seni lukis to Sundanese lukisan and Kawi anglukis. Following the writings of respected art historian and critic Sanento Yuliman (d. 1992), Zico proposes, through text and action, that lukisan does not refer to the painting object but the praxis around it. Furthermore, lukisan as praxis could be a postcolonial gesture that spiritually cleansed (ruatan) vestiges of colonial violence.
Art + Australia Art + Australia ISSN 1837-2422 All content published after October 2023 by Art + Australia is available under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) except where otherwise stated. For more information about use and distribution you can view our Editorial Guidelines.
Publisher: Victorian College of the Arts
University of Melbourne